Author: Crossfit Virilis

Workout & Meal of the Week III

Workout of the Week AMRAP in 20 minutes of – 10 strict handstand push-up20 strict pull-ups30 jumping alternating lunges AMRAPs are great, because you are working to achieve as many REPS or ROUNDS as possible. This was a fun one, with a push & pull component, along with some jumping lunges to get your hamstrings and…

The Ten General Physical Skills

In CrossFit we use 3 different models to determine who and what is fitness. It is a core tenant of our program’s ability to stand up to the rigor of real scientific explanation. The 3 models are the ten general physical skills, the hopper model, and the very thing that drives all human movement, bio-energetics….

How Important is Sleep

We’ve mentioned the need for sleep before in our blogs but we’ve never discussed exactly how important sleep is for recovery. When we talk about exercise and it’s benefit for all things health, we have to keep in mind that more is not always better. The human body has to constantly undergo some kind of…

Workout and Meal of the Week

Workout: “Jack”20 min As Many Reps As Possible10 push press (115/75)10 kettle bell swings (53/35)10 box jumps (24/20) This is what we call a “hero” workout in CrossFit. They have a little more special meaning than our typical workouts as they are made in remembrance of a soldier, police officer, or firefighter who was an…

Sugar and Addiction

It’s no secret that we love sweet things. The average American consumes roughly 66 pounds of sugar each year. It’s become such a prevalent part of our culture that it’s by and large people’s choice for breakfast. The days of bacon and eggs are long gone. It’s not uncommon for Americans to choose a doughnut…

Why Injuries Occur

Now, obviously, my framework here is going to be a bit dramatacized. A lot of how your body develops in large part has to do with the signals you’ve been sending it via your activity and exactly how your brain views your body’s capabilities. An elderly woman who has been inactive for 10+ years is…