Month: January 2018

Chronic Disease Can Be Prevented

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. There’s a host of other but let’s call these the big 4. This quote from, “chronic diseases generally CANNOT be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear.” These are disease that doctors, generally, do not have a cure for and that is because…

Why the Group

CrossFit training by and large has always been done in a group setting. It was originally due to the number of clients CrossFit founder Greg Glassman had and the amount of time he had in the day. He couldn’t do 12 one-on-one sessions anymore, so he discounted some people and threw them in with a…

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Just forewarning you now, this is going to get pretty sciency. I will do my best to limit the super dense language of it though. Our last blog covered a case study between a set of twins in which one brother died prematurely of diabetes/obesity, while the other went on to be a super ripped…