“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Truth if I ever heard it. From where I stand, there are plenty of humans who believe that CrossFit is only for people who can deadlift 500 pounds, run a 5 minute mile, and do 50 pull-ups without ceasing. That you have to have some ultimate level of fitness in order to even start on a CrossFit journey. Well, when you look inside our doors, all the humans are strong – but they all started at their own fitness level. And even more importantly, they all have their own reasons for why they stepped foot in the gym and why they continue to step their feet in every day.
One of our guys is 75 years old. He comes in twice a week to work out. He wants to be able to pick up 150 pounds off the ground. Why? Because he wants to be able to pick himself up off the ground if he falls, and he wants to be able to pick someone else up off the ground if they fall. Balance becomes more challenging as you age. Sometimes, it’s even challenging when you’re not more seasoned or golden. But what a reason to want to move better, lift well, and get strong.
One of our gals is 43 years old. She just recently joined. Sure, she’s got some weight loss plans and wants to tone up. She doesn’t want to look skinny, per se, instead, she wants to look like she could kick someone’s ass. All those features are amazing, for sure. But why? Because she wants to live a long, quality, healthy life. She wants to break the mold of the generations behind her that have had issues with diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. She wants to set a new example.
We have a kid who is 7. He loves the warm-ups – it’s his favorite part of the workout. He has a blast with his friends while he’s at the gym. He likes to tell us in the middle of the workouts that he’s tired, but he also keeps going. Why? He said CrossFit has helped him believe in himself and has made him stronger.
We have a coach who started her CrossFit journey 100 pounds heavier than she is now, a member who has shed her pre-diabetic numbers and diagnosis, and another who had not worked out a DAY IN HIS LIFE before he walked through our doors. It’s not just for the athletes, not just for the skinny, the fit, the lean, the muscular. It’s not only for those who have worked out on the reg all their lives. It’s for the mom who wants to pick up her kids a little more easily, the dad who wants to redefine dad bods, the former athlete who doesn’t want to give way to “letting themselves go” just because that’s what everyone does, the golden who doesn’t care how she looks in a bikini, but wants to be able to easily get to the beach and play in the waves.
It’s for the 40-something who wants to keep hiking, running, and traveling with ease, the kiddo who wants to gain confidence in knowing and understanding their body and the way it can move. It’s for the 20-something who loves fitness, loves working, and wants a good community to surround themselves with. It’s for the person who has let themselves go and wants to find their way back. For the 60-something who doesn’t want to be defined as a “geriatric, over-the-hill, past their prime” human and wants to keep living with strength.
It’s for all of us. Yeah, we love to see the elitist of the elite. We love to be a part of a greater, worldwide community that does boast some of the strongest in the world, but when we really look at it – when we look at the humans around us – we DO see that strength. And it resides in showing up with the desire to get one percent better every day, no matter where our starting line is.
One more time – it’s for all of us. Come on in.