Author: Crossfit Virilis

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Just forewarning you now, this is going to get pretty sciency. I will do my best to limit the super dense language of it though. Our last blog covered a case study between a set of twins in which one brother died prematurely of diabetes/obesity, while the other went on to be a super ripped…

My First Muscle Up

I remember when I first saw the CrossFit Games back in 2011. I remember watching like mostly everyone else at that time and just thinking that those guys were something out of the movie 300. I mean I was certain they were descendants of Leonidas himself. I remember watching the rope climb and clean and…

The Brain and Exercise

I will gladly admit that I know next to nothing really about the brain and I honestly do not feel bad about this. I believe I should know some things being that I am a health sciences professional but mind you that people who study the brain for a living, know next to nothing about…