Our Blog

Get in The Open

It’s that time of year. Christmas for CrossFitters. The CrossFit Games Open. For those of you that are new to the community and will be participating in you very FIRST CrossFit Games Open let me break down exactly what it is. The Open is the preliminary stage for the CrossFit Games. Anyone who aspires to…

The Muscles of the Hip

The hip is vast. It is without question the strongest region of the body. There are a number of muscles that contribute to its awesome power and we’re going to go over those today.  Any discussion of the hip muscles has to begin with the muscles found on the front side of the hip. Those…

Are You Doing CrossFit?

I suppose the best way to start this discussion is by going over exactly what is CrossFit? The actual definition put forth by Coach Glassman all those years ago was: constantly varied, functional movements, at high intensity. The standards were set and away we ran with it. However, we always seem to come back to…