Our Blog

Well, I Can’t Do That Anyway

“Well, I can’t do that anyway.” The amount of times I’ve heard that in the last 10 years while coaching CrossFit probably lands somewhere in the stratosphere of a billion. Muscle ups on the docket today? “Well, I can’t do that anyway.” Rope climbs? “Well, I can’t do that anyway.” A long time ago when…

The Hidden Key to Health

I remember a couple of years ago when Tanya and I went to the movies to see Katie Couric’s documentary, “Fed Up.” It was eye-opening for sure, but the optimist in me wasn’t as quick as the rest of the audience and Tanya to just demonize the food industry. If you haven’t seen the film,…

The Healthlift

There is no lift more utilitarian than the deadlift. It’s so important and beneficial that it actually used to be called the “healthlift”. Yes, that’s right. The movement that gets criticized by internet critics the world over actually used to be the foremost way to prove someone was still functional and healthy. A man by…

The Intensity Flame

I am 100% borrowing/resharing/stealing for good reason this thought from the Beyond the Whiteboard podcast with Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bozman. A few episodes ago, Boz, head judge of the CrossFit Games and longtime seminar staff member, made this spot on analogy of how athletes should approach intensity. He said, “Intensity is a candle and…

Working Out While Injured

As much as I would love to never have anyone get injured, it’s just not realistic to never expect injuries. Human beings, as capable as they are, still display quite a bit of fragility no matter what. Things are going to get pulled, strained, or ache. It’s just the natural result of life/poor decisions: sitting…

What Drives Results

The real reason we’re all in the gym: Results. We want something out of our fitness and/or our body composition. We want to be able to do something better or look better. Plain and simple. The problem with results is that we expect it to be this linear thing, and unless you’re a professional athlete…