Why the Hero WOD

What’s the WOD? A Hero workout? We have to do THAT?! 

The preface: Everything is modifiable, so regardless of how it’s written, there is a version for everyone. 

Hero workouts are written to memorialize men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice, dying in their line of duty, of the many military branches and first responder agencies. Often times, the workouts include either their favorite movements or numbers of reps or rounds that are aligned with the day of their birthday, the day they went to paradise, or another day of significance to them – or sometimes it is a combination of these. The workouts vary and often have that little or lotta extra kick to the challenge of the day, which is something we believe they may appreciate.

The mindset shift: We don’t HAVE to do these workouts. We GET to. We GET to do these hero workouts, because they can’t anymore. We get to take on these challenges, because what they once got to do to keep their health in check, they cannot anymore. We get to take on movements and volume and weight, because they laid it all down in their line of service. So, we’re honoring them in the way we know how – by taking on a daily challenge that will make us better, stronger, mightier, like they used to do. But now we GET to do it. For us and for them. 

There’s a mighty one coming up this Monday, May 29, called Murph. It is named after Navy Lt. Michael P. Murphy. He was a Navy SEAL who deployed to Afghanistan in 2005. His story can be found quickly through a Google search, so we won’t right it all here, but we will remind of the way he died (you can also see the  depiction of a portion of Murph’s life story in the movie, Lone Survivor). Murphy, along with three other SEALs, were in the midst of an enemy attack – and after pursuit in both directions, Murph, in a moment of self-sacrifice, made his way to the top of a mountain to call for backup for his men. His last words before he was shot and put to rest? “Thank you.” 

So, this Monday, and each time a Hero WOD crosses the whiteboard, sure, we can have a mixture of emotions about a movement or lift we like, love, or have neutralized, but let’s remember, regardless of the way we feel about the workout, that while the obstacle is the way, it’s best coupled with gratitude. Today and every day, remember – that we GET to do what we do each day. 

Here’s to the Murph, to the heroes, and to the get-to.

To learn more about what we do in the gym and how these hero WODs play a role, set up a time to talk with us.

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