Our Blog

My First Muscle Up

I remember when I first saw the CrossFit Games back in 2011. I remember watching like mostly everyone else at that time and just thinking that those guys were something out of the movie 300. I mean I was certain they were descendants of Leonidas himself. I remember watching the rope climb and clean and…

The Brain and Exercise

I will gladly admit that I know next to nothing really about the brain and I honestly do not feel bad about this. I believe I should know some things being that I am a health sciences professional but mind you that people who study the brain for a living, know next to nothing about…

Does Your Gym Know Your Name?

“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation and the fun is in the community,” – CrossFit CEO and Founder, Greg Glassman.  A very common aspect amongst anyone who works out at a CrossFit gym is that they cannot stop talking about how much they…

Why Should You Squat?

I never get this question from people who come into my gym. They usually always agree to squat whenever we are doing them. Are they hesitant to go all the way into the bottom of the squat? Sure, but that’s not a fear of squatting. It’s more a lack of knowledge of what a real…

Real Fitness Begets More Fitness

I realize the title of this may sound obvious – in the sense that I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. It’s like if I said, “Smoking cigarettes can cause lung cancer.” Not exactly a breaking news headline, but sometimes it’s good to hear a message in a slightly different way. I’ve spoken…