CFV December Member of the Month: Ron Rhodes

Meet Ron Rhodes! He’s our CrossFit Virilis Member of the Month, and we’re so proud of him for being dedicated to making his fitness regimen and health a priority. 

Ron’s the man! Get to know all about him: 

How long have you been doing CrossFit? 
Since September.

What is your favorite CrossFit workout and/or movement?
The deadlift!

What do you love most about CrossFit Virilis and CrossFit, in general?
One-on-one time with the instructors and change-ups in exercise routines.

Name one of your CrossFit/health-related goals for 2017 (or the new year).
Continue to strengthen my back and improve cardio!

What’s the best advice your CFV coach(es) has ever given you?
Keep moving!

What was your favorite subject in school?
Science class.

What is the Ron lifestyle like outside of the gym?
Work, home improvement projects and watching sports. I also rebuild old cars!

What’s your favorite book or movie?
Anything Star Wars.

What makes you the happiest?

Answer one of these: what is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Costa Rica because of the great fishing and very beautiful scenery  

What’s your favorite sport & team?
Denver Broncos football