Monica is our CFV Member of the Month! She’s a mama, a military veteran, a gamer, and a righteous human being. She loves Snapchat and Instagram, and she can keep you updated on everything going on at the gym through her snaps and stories WHILE also going hard in the paint on her workouts. That’s talent. So, here she is, ladies & gents – Monica!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2012 on and off. I’ve been CONSISTENT for the past year at Crossfit Virilis.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement or lift?
I am a huge fan of the deadlift.
What do you love most about CrossFit Virilis and CrossFit, in general?
I love that I am continuously being challenged and no matter how great I get at a specific movement, I am always able to get better.
Name your top five favorite movies.
Dirty dancing
Godfather (should be 5 in itself)
Finding Nemo
If you could have lunch with anyone in time, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
James Dean – I feel like I’m a rebel without a cause as well, we would have a lot in common. Plus, he’s so sexy!
What is the Monica lifestyle like outside of the gym?
I have 3 kids, and I am a full-time student. I volunteer in the community when I can, and I play video games for the female pro league on Xbox One. I do a lot of traveling for major league gaming.
What makes you the happiest?
My children and being a the best example I can for them!
What’s your favorite restaurant?
I love 3009 in Schertz. I can’t get enough brisket and Brussels!
What is your favorite quote to inspire, motivate, or make you think?
“You have to be uncomfortable in able to grow.” I don’t remember who said it I heard it from my mentor – Mr. Lenny Walls. But I firmly believe in it.
What’s your favorite sport & team?
I love the Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, and South Carolina Gamecocks!
What impact has CrossFit Virilis had on you?
Thinking about this question makes me tear up, mainly because CFV is more to me than just a gym. I’ve been in gyms my whole life. CFV is my home away from home – it’s my family. When you’re in the military, you move a lot. Finding people who accept you for you and genuinely care about your health and fitness is rare! And I’ve found it here.
I’ve learned more about my body and what works and how to be happy and healthy while having fun in this past year than I have over my entire lifetime. I love CrossFit Virilis. You can’t put a price on your health.