CrossFit Virilis November Member of the Month: Steph Hagan

Stephanie Hagan is our November Member of the Month at CrossFit Virilis! We think she is such an amazing human, mom, certified surgical tech (CST), and a true go-getter! We’ve been blessed to have her in our presence for the past three years, to see her grow in strength and power, and to coach her all along the way. Steph is a true champ. And now you get to learn a little bit more about her as we are thrilled to recognize and applaud her this month (and well, frankly, always)…

Here’s what Steph has to share with you:

How long have you been CrossFitting?

What is your favorite movement?
Dumbbell snatch

What is your favorite workout?
I love partner or team WODs, becauseI like sharing the pain!

How does CrossFit impact you on a daily basis?
My fitness level is better than it has ever been. I know with my asthma it will never be the greatest, but each year, I make progress and continue to gain strength. I carry laundry and groceries with ease. I still chase my kids around and play sports with them. I’m known as “the muscle” at work – moving patients, carrying equipment, and moving beds. For the past 3 years, CrossFit has been my fuel for energy, strength and mobility.

How has CrossFit Virilis impacted you long-term?
Not only has Virilis coached me through fitness, they have given me tons of knowledge on nutrition. Nutrition is vital to living a healthy lifestyle and key to making gains. I now understand that eating 8-inch cakes for breakfast is not a good idea.

What would you do today if you knew you could not fail?
Go to med school to be an anesthesiologist!

If you could have any meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it include?
Chicken fried rice and T’s paleo cookies.

Favorite spot to hang out in Cibolo (or surrounding area)?
I’m a regular at Old Main and Bar House. They are my favorite hangouts and right down the street from home. Listen for the train! So if we do a 5K WOD and I get lost, you might know where to find me. Don’t worry; I’m okay.

Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
The Single Moms Club

If you could step in a teleport for a day and go to any place and time in history. Where and when would you travel to?
True story, history scares me. I don’t think any of it was safe. But I would have loved to be apart of one of the royal weddings or have gone to a Kentucky Derby. I want to be fancy and wear a big hat.

What’s the best thing about your job?
I celebrate birthdays every single shift!

What are you most thankful for?
My 3 loving boys, supportive family, and friends.

If you knew someone who had reservations about trying CrossFit, what’s the one thing you would say to encourage them?
CrossFit can be modified to any level of fitness. Be a part of a community that motivates and encourages you to be your greatest.

Anything else you’d love to add?
With this month being Thanksgiving, I’m completely thankful for my CFV family. We reflect off each other and I see the greatness in each of you.

We see the greatness in you, too, Steph. Come join Steph & our crew!