CrossFit Virilis July Member of the Month: Chris Maus

Chris Maus is our CFV Member of the Month! We’re so proud of the progress he’s made. We love his persistence, work ethic in the gym, sense of humor, and many other things. Keep reading to get to know more about Chris, including how you gamers can game with him.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
10 months.
What’s your favorite workout?

I always look forward to the days we have heavy lifts, whether it be squats, deadlifts, or snatches.

What’s your favorite movement?

The snatch.

Why do you do CrossFit?
Three reasons – 1. CrossFit gives me a way to test my overall fitness.  You can go through a WOD and compare times, weight, and reps.  2. It gives me an outlet to challenge myself and be a better (or fitter) person than I was yesterday.  3. I also want to stay active and live a long healthy life.
What meal could you eat every day for the rest of your life?
Either brisket or burnt ends, sweet potato fries or a baked sweet potato, some grilled aparagus, and this cookies ‘n’ creme cake we served at my wedding (it was the best cake I ever had).
What has CrossFit helped you do achieve, overcome, etc?

It puts me in the mindset of “let’s see what i can do.” I like to approach problems in the same positive manner and CFV helps me keep that positive mindset.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My father would be top of my list. I would be grateful to have an hour to catch up and tell him about the last 8 years.
What are your top three favorite movies.
The Godfather Part 2, Shutter Island, and Secret Window. I like plot twists!
What makes you the happiest?

The feeling of accomplishment after completing a task. Hitting a PR in the gym or when I received my college degree. Knowing you put in the work and can see the results.  Also when the Saints and LSU win. Sorry, UT fans – you have to come to DEATH VALLEY this year.

Anything else you want to add about CFV, CrossFit, or yourself?
I really like the community of CFV, everyone is positive and wants you to succeed.  In a time when toxicity of social media and the negatively of the news is at an all time high, it is nice to walk into a place that is so positive.
Something about me, in my free time I enjoy riding on my motorcycle, watching sports (NFL, NBA) and gettin them Dubs on Call of Duty, Halo and Apex Legends.  Any challengers?

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