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CrossFit Virilis


November 15, 2017

How to Manage your Priorities

Priorities. We all have them.

But how do we choose what is a priority and what's not? Check out that key word - CHOOSE. The things we prioritize are also choices we make. So here, let me share with you a few tactics I've used to get my priorities in order and ensure that I'm spending my valuable time on the things I actually consider to be of value. 

Start with this. Make a list of the things each do that you have to do. Give yourself a few minutes. As an example, here are a few things I'd put on my list (not in its entirety): 

  • Drive to and from work 
  • Shower
  • Coach my members!
  • Create opportunities for my clients 
  • Lead my team
  • Make coffee 
  • Make my meals and eat
  • Answer and make phone calls 
  • Check my email every 14 seconds
  • Talk to my family and my closest cadre of people

Second, make a list of the things that you HAVE to do. The things that you really must do to have any kind of productivity. The absolute have-tos. It really shouldn't look exactly the same as your first list. You can have a few extra minutes to really think on this one. Here are a few from my list: 

  • Eat
  • Shower
  • Complete my core competencies for both of my businesses
  • Sleep 

Third, make a list of the things that make your day better. The things that add real value to your day. These may actually be on your second list, as well. Not all of them, but perhaps some. For me, it's things like:

  • Working out, because that increases my strength, confidence, and energy throughout the day and makes everything else I do either easier (because the workout was so tough so I know I can do anything :) ) or it prepares me mentally and physically for the day so I'm not sluggish, tired, or immobile. 

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