While the situation may not be the most ideal, the extension of Spring Break due to this unprecedented time in our local, statewide, nationwide, and worldwide environments is here. To provide you, and equally importantly, your kiddos, with some ways to blow off some steam, here are ten at-home, kid-friendly workouts that you can either pass along to them or do as a family. Let us know how the workouts go, and by all means, post you and your respective family members’ times in the comments below!
- 5 rounds of ~ 20 jumping jacks20 mountain climbers For time
- 4 rounds of ~ 10 burpees 15 sidewalk hops (box jumps on & off the sidewalk) 20 lungesFor time
- 2 rounds of ~ 1:00 max push-ups1:00 max air squats 1:00 max sit-ups 1:00 max flutter kicks
- Play Roll of the Dice (play as a family and collect 4-6 rolls each):Roll a 2 ~ 20 jumping jacksRoll a 3 ~ 16 high kneesRoll a 4 ~ 20 lungesRoll a 5 ~ 10 push-upsRoll a 6 ~ 10 sit-upsRoll a 7 ~ 15 squatsRoll an 8 ~ 20 mountain climbersRoll a 9 ~ 20 skatersRoll a 10 ~ 30 jump ropesRoll an 11 ~ 16 butt kicksRoll a 12 ~ 10 burpees
- Uno Workout:Blue ~ Push-upsRed ~ :20 second planksYellow ~ Jumping jacksGreen ~ SquatsWild Card ~ 10 of movement of your choice
Enjoy! Let us know how it goes.______________Have other ideas that you want to share, or would you like us to share even more ideas? Send us an email at info@crossfitvirilis.com.