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CrossFit Virilis


October 22, 2017

Olympic Lifting Workshop - November 18! Sign up today!

The olympic lifts are some of the toughest movements to perform correctly, not only in CrossFit, but in sport. Olympians will spend years training solely to be able to lift one more pound. It’s no secret that the olympic lifts require a lot of extra work in order to truly have at least a novice grasp of how to perform them.

Our next CFV Olympic Lifting Workshop will be on Saturday, November 18, at 10:00 a.m. We will be providing a 90-minute session that will be entirely devoted to the snatch, clean, and jerk. This session will cover the basics of the movements, as well as provide participants with the chance to test themselves with big weight. This is now a monthly workshop at CFV.

Spaces are limited to 10 participants so please sign up as soon as possible. If you’re interested please sign up in the gym or email CFV members will be admitted for just $20 and Non-CFV members will be admitted for $25. 

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