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CrossFit Virilis


February 17, 2020

Cancer, Genetic or Metabolic?

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 1996. I actually remember being in the doctors office with her when she first got the news. I had no idea what cancer was; I was 7. But, whatever it was I knew it was bad because she was crying on the way home. My mother was a little thing. 5 foot nothing, 110 pounds soaking wet. She loved running and didn’t ever lift weights. She was very holistic. She grew up during the 60s and 70s so doing things that were unconventional appealed to her. So, when she got the news and sought out advice for how to treat it, chemotherapy and radiation were not very high on her list. She decided to seek other alternatives. One of which was to cut out processed foods. She would only eat things that were organic. Now, again, I’m 7 so how regimented was she? I don’t quite remember but I can tell you chemo and radiation did not come into play until 1999 or maybe even the year 2000. She managed to live 5 years with the disease at a time when cancer was almost certainly a death sentence of 1-2 years.Now, my grandfather (moms dad) died of bone cancer when he was already in his 70s I believe. So, yes my mothers side of the family has some cancer on their side BUT my grandmother is still alive today. She’s over 90 (yes I’m not quite sure on an exact age, sue me). My mother also had 3 sisters, all of whom are alive and well into their 50s and 60s with no signs of cancer. So, there was undoubtedly some good genes passed to my mother. But, if cancer is a genetic disease, why weren’t any of my aunts ever diagnosed?We know for a fact that things like smoking cause lung cancer. If you get exposed to asbestos, we know there’s a likelihood that you’ll develop mesothelioma. But, what about things in our foods or constant exposure to alcohol? We know alcohol can damage the liver over time if it is consistently consumed. Some preservatives have also been linked to having carcinogenic type properties.So, let’s look at the facts. My mother, the oldest of 4 girls, was the only one to develop cancer. However, when she cut out processed foods, and mind you she wasn’t undergoing any other treatments, managed to live 5 years with the disease. So, is it possible then that maybe cancer isn’t some genetic crap shoot but something that develops via constant exposure to carcinogens?A group of doctors, PhDs not MDs, have been working on a theory like this for a few years now. They have hypothesized that cancer is caused by damage to a cell’s ability to respire. Cell respiration is something that all cells have to be able to do or the cells die. What they have noticed in cancer patients is that the cells, rather than dying, are fermenting. You see fermentation is the oldest living organism on the planet. It is the cells last attempt at maintaining some form of life. Now, when the cells ferment, there’s only one form of fuel they can metabolize. Any guesses as to what that fuel is?Glucose. You know when you leave a banana out too long it starts to get bruised and darken? Well, that’s fermentation and what macronutrient is a banana mainly composed of? Carbohydrates, which become glucose when they hit the cell.I described most of this in layman’s terms. I will post a YouTube video of one of these doctors describing this whole process. It’s very dense in medical jargon but I still recommend watching the whole thing if you have a loved one who has cancer because it’s worth educating yourself on.What I do know for sure is that my mother drank a lot. Wine and really dark beer. Now, I’m not saying that it’s a certainty you’ll develop cancer if you drink regularly. Lord knows there’s people who do that never develop any kind of ailments. But, what I can say with a 100% certainty is that cancer cells live off glucose. Did my mother completely give up drinking after she was diagnosed? No. So, if you do know someone who has cancer I would advise them to give this video a watch and convince them to start doing away with sugar as soon as possible.

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