CrossFit Virilis February Member of the Month: Tiwona Minnick

How long have you been doing personal training?
Almost one year!!

What’s your favorite workout?
I can’t narrow down a favorite workout, but I can tell you that I do not like workouts with burpees…lol. However, I do like workouts that involve weight training!

What’s your favorite movement?
I have a couple of movements that I love but I would say GHD sit-ups, deadlifts, and wall ball shots are at the top of my list.

Why do you train? And what do you love about the 1-1 dynamic?
I train so I can be a better me. I love my results and the way I feel after a workout. Working out is like meditation, it helps take my mind off of everything that has occurred throughout the day.

I love everything that comes with 1-1 training, I’m held accountable and challenged and not to mention I’ve developed a great relationship with my coach.

What meal could you eat every day for the rest of your life?
I’m a foodie, so this was very hard to narrow down. But if I had to choose a meal, I would eat Thai basil chicken with steamed rice and spring rolls.

What has CFV helped you do, achieve and overcome?
CFV has helped me change to healthy living and remain consistent. They have pushed me outside my comfort zone and when I say I can’t they are right there to say YES YOU CAN!

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would have one last dinner with my dad. Cooking kept us bonded and we were both foodies. We’d both admit that good food makes us happy. I’d love the chance to cook, eat and have a conversation with my dad.

Top three favorite movies.
Coming to America
Office Space

What makes you the happiest?
Traveling! Although my traveling has been halted due to the pandemic, I love to travel and see the world.

Anything else you want to add about CFV, personal training, or yourself?
I won’t lie when I first started training, I was nervous, and not too sure if I would stick with it being this was my first time doing CrossFit. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year, I just want to say thank you to the CFV family. I’m grateful for the support that everyone has provided.


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