April’s Member of the Month: Marcus Quint Jr.

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I have been doing CrossFit for about 9 months now.

2. What’s your favorite workout?

My favorite workout is the 12 Days of Christmas.

3. What’s your favorite movement?

My favorite movement is butterfly pull-ups.

4. Why do you do CrossFit?

CrossFit was originally intended to be “dryland”, or functional strength training, for Masters Swimming, which I also currently do and compete in; however, it has become far more than a form of exercise for me–it is a way of life that has taught me numerous lessons and is, at its core, an enjoyable opportunity to grow alongside my fellow CrossFit teammates every WOD.

5. What meal could you eat every day for the rest of your life?

Definitely pizza!

6. What has CFV helped you do, achieve, overcome, etc?

As a fourth year medical student and soon-to-be resident physician at LSU Shreveport in Pediatrics, CFV has been instrumental in honing my love of teamwork and of diligent, concerted effort in order to achieve success. Furthermore, in regularly departing from my comfort zone each WOD, I become a stronger person all around, and in turn have the potential to be an even better soon-to-be physician.

7. If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I would say Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps one of the smartest people to have ever lived. His broad array of interests and talents would be super interesting to discuss over dinner!

8. Top three favorite movies.

Favorite movie is Coach Carter, then Pretty Woman, and lastly A Silent Voice.

9 What makes you the happiest?

Knowing that I gave my best effort at something, regardless of circumstance or outcome, is what ultimately makes me happy.

9 What makes you the happiest?

CFV has been an absolute pleasure! With my upcoming swim competition (US Masters Nationals Championships in San Antonio, TX), I look forward to seeing the improvements in the water when I race.

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