The CFV OG Supplement: Week of 08.26.18

Sunday Funday OG WOD: 

3 rounds for time of – 
10 Overhead Squats (135/95) 
1 rope climb

(rest as needed….) Then, 

5 rounds for time of – 
50 double unders
10 power snatch
10 pull-ups

OG #1: 

5 strict pull-ups (don’t sub kipping pull-ups on this one – if you can’t do 5 strict pull-ups, add a band for challenging sets where you can still get your chin over the bar or do ring rows at a challenging depth)
10 dips (ring dips or box dips – you pick!) 
15 pistols (15 total, alternating legs; To modify: do one-legged squats to a challenging depth using a bench, box or stools…or reaching for the post for balance at the bottom of the pistol)

OG #2: 

Deficit Deadlifts at 50% 1RM

Deadlifts at 75% 1RM

OG #3: 

5×10 Weighted Lunges @ 50% of your 1RM back squat weight (with barbell – 10 lunges PER LEG, not total)

10 sets of :10 L-sit holds (rest between sets!)